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Writer's pictureNancy Willbern, PhD

A new home

  Just wanted to let everybody know that I have a new home for my website. Same old address - - just new location and updated information to fit my current practice. Would love for you to sign up for email notifications of new blog posts and upcoming events by filling out the subscriber box attached below. I promise not to share your information with anyone else or fill up your mailbox with a lot of chatter.

        I have copied some of my old blogs onto this site for those of you who are new visitors. Looking forward to a more direct connection through new posts and comments. Coming soon!

          I will leave you with something to think about:

What you plan is too small for you to live.

What you can live wholeheartedly will make enough plans.

David Whyte

Wishing all of you all good things...

Source of image unknown


Posting Etiquette

 It is important to me that this site be one that feels safe and respectful for everyone. To make sure we are all on the same page, please note:

1.) Comments shared in this space, remain in this space. Readers do not have permission to copy or shave off little bits and claim as their own -- anything anyone else has shared on either the Blog Posts or Comments without written permission from the author.

2.) This site may not be used for partisan purposes. Disrespectful or contentious comments will be removed.

3.) The purpose of this site is to expand our awareness and open our hearts. It takes all of us to keep it within its intent. 


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