anam cara =
a soul friend, a midwife to the soul
The late Irish author and poet, John O’Donnahue describes an Anam Cara in his book by the same name as “…a teacher, companion, or spiritual guide… one you could share your innermost self, your mind and your heart…one who understands you as you are without mask or pretension.” (O'Donnahue, 1977)
The Anam Cara is one who trusts in the uniqueness of each person’s true self – the soul – the part of the self hidden underneath layers of fears and false assumptions. The Anam Cara, as a midwife to the soul holds a safe space as the true self emerges into awareness. And in every step along the way reflects it back to the one emerging.
That’s the best description of my deepest intention as a psychotherapist, but I assure you, I bring my own humanity with me. As I do my work, I am clear that I am not the healing agent in the room. That intangible ingredient is more loving and wise than I am. But what I have experienced over the years is that when two people join for the purposes of connection and healing, in some way that I can’t fully understand, through that shared intention, healing is brought to them both.
And the day came when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it was to bloom. - Anis Nin